Corman, Coppola, and Criterions .. Oh My!

It’s been quite a week here at CineJourneys! The early response to the website is overwhelmingly positive! We’re especially loving the community tools and groups. There are still some kinks, but we’re on path for an official launch next week.

We also launched a Discord, which has been a great way to connect with subscribers and has been a new way to discuss Journeys. You can join our server here. We have private channels for journeys and founding members, and public channels for film discussions. We just added the Letterboxd app, and people have been exchanging their profiles.

We’re very excited to have launched registration for the Coen Brother’s Screwball Comedies Journey in June. You can learn more and register here. Founding Members and Magic Hour Subscribers will be sent a coupon code.

We haven’t formally launched registration for Summer Films, but it’s out there. You can register at this link. The same coupon code will work for Founding Members and Magic Hour Subscribers.

We’re going all out for Jaws, and we are even offering a shirt to celebrate the 4th of July. Should we keep the beaches open or wait for August? AUGUST? Artist extraordinaire, Jill Blake, has her say with this detailed rendering of Bruce the Shark on our Jaws shirt. This is a limited edition and you can get one here. It’ll be shipped to you before the 4th of July.

Last but not least, we have a new bonus video talking about Roger Corman’s passing (and Paul Schrader’s comments, Francis Ford Coppola’s Megalopolis, and the August slate of Criterion releases. Watch below.

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