Tag: watch

The A24 New Wave

Earlier this year during Awards Season, I had a conversation with Mark Hurne about A24 and what we called the "A24 New Wave." Mark was a sounding board to a theory I had, which wasn't exactly earth shattering, but was fun to think about all the same. …

YouTube Channel Launch

While we are excited about our official public launch, we also officially launched our You Tube channel today and recorded our first public video. Expect many more of those as we move forward, along with the podcast, the Journey calls, and so much more. We have some …

Welcome to the CineJourneys Launch Party!

https://youtu.be/YehUjnHoaSI?si=YqQnvVsCs75IeGms It's an exciting day for us, as we officially launch this platform and our YouTube Channel. We have been sitting on it for a long time, waiting to get the website just right. We wanted to unveil it when the website met our standards, and we had …

Corman, Coppola, and Criterions .. Oh My!

It's been quite a week here at CineJourneys! The early response to the website is overwhelmingly positive! We're especially loving the community tools and groups. There are still some kinks, but we're on path for an official launch next week. We also launched a Discord, which has been …