Membership Plans

Choose the plan that’s right for you

Monthly Yearly

Join the Community


  • 1 Monthly Journey per year (Based on Guide discretion and capacity)**
  • Priority registration
  • Forum and Discord access
  • Limited exclusive content

Day for Night



  • 2 Monthly Journeys per year (Based on Guide discretion and capacity)**
  • Priority registration
  • Forum and Discord access
  • Exclusive content
  • Unedited podcast episodes and videos

Deep Focus



  • 5 Monthly Journeys per year (Based on Guide discretion and capacity)**
  • Special gift pack (Annual plan only. International shipping charge outside of the US.)
  • Priority registration
  • Forum and Discord access
  • Exclusive content
  • Unedited podcast episodes and videos
  • Limited podcast + guest post opportunities

Magic Hour


  • Unlimited Monthly Journeys (Includes all CineJourneys programming, and Guide discretion for others.)**
  • Special gift (International shipping charge outside of the US.)
  • Priority registration
  • Forum and Discord access
  • Exclusive content
  • Unedited podcast episodes and videos
  • Podcast + guest post opportunities
  • Private forum and Discord access
  • Priority topic and film suggestions
  • Guide a Journey for friends

*Magic Hour plan is only offered at an annual rate.
**Journeys are official monthly CineJourneys. All others will depend on Guide discretion. We anticipate some Guides will offer a specific number of Journeys to subscribers. 

Questions? Please refer to the F.A.Q.