Food and Thanksgiving Journey Details – November 2024

Food and Thanksgiving Films Journey – May 2024

We are pleased to announce details and registration for the November 2024 Films about Food and Thanksgiving Journey. You can register with the form at the bottom of this page, or at this link.

We’re going to celebrate the holiday month by looking at some films about food, including different cuisines, and finally we’ll celebrate Thanksgiving with some classics.

  • Chapter 1: Hard Work: Big Night, Chef
  • Chapter 2: Japanese Cuisine: Jiro Dreams of Sushi, Tampopo, Bourdain Episode TBD
  • Chapter 3: Giving Thanks: Babette’s Feast, The Last Waltz, Alice’s Restaurant


  • TBD

Other suggested titles:

  • Like Water for Chocolate
  • Phantom Thread
  • Soylent Green

*Please note that the film choices could change depending on availability.


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