Best of 2024 Journey Details – December 2024

Best of 2024 Journey – December 2024

We are pleased to announce details and registration for the Best of 2024 December Journey. You can register with the form at the bottom of this page, or at this link.

Since December tends to be a quieter month, we are going to use this month to reflect on the year in film and that should lead into 2025 Awards Season. The only scheduled film currently is Dune 2, because we know that is going to be in the conversations. We’ll have other film suggestions as we get closer, and this one will be driven by recommendations by the community.

Because this is a busy travel month, registration is free.

  • Chapter 1: Dune 2
  • Chapter 2: TBD
  • Chapter 3: TBD


  • TBD

Other suggested titles:

  • TBD

*Please note that the film choices could change depending on availability.


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