Welcome to CineJourneys. We have big plans for this concept and we’re excited to share them with you.   But first, you may be asking yourself, “What exactly is CineJourneys? And how do I do it?” Well, for starters, the easiest and best way to participate in CineJourneys is to subscribe to us on Substack, which we like to call  “the ticket booth.” If you are subscribed there, you will get frequent updates on what is coming around the corner. With a paid subscription you’ll gain access to bonus content including videos, unedited podcast episodes, and articles.  For those at the Founding Member/Limited Edition subscription level, you will also receive exclusive discounts and early registration for most Journeys. Occasional complimentary access to Journeys is also included at this level.  

To register for a Journey, click here to enter the Journeys section. Keep in mind this area will include upcoming, ongoing, and archived Journeys. In some cases, you may be able to join in on a Journey after the registration cutoff date, although we encourage instead starting fresh with a brand new Journey. This will ensure that you’ll be able to participate from the beginning without feeling rushed to catch up and enjoy the full Journey experience. 

While you are in the midst of your Journey, we will periodically release Podcast episodes on the subject we’re exploring. Each podcast episode will feature an in-depth discussion on the topic, sometimes with a special guest. Jill and Aaron may also explore other aspects of a Journey. For example, during our upcoming Awards Season Journey, we may discuss significant Oscar history and contrast it with the current year. 

The Podcast section will also feature episodes on a topic that we’d like to explore that are not necessarily tied to a particular Journey. The exciting thing about CineJourneys is that there are endless topics for Journeys and Podcasts.

Last but not least is the Forums section. If you are subscribed to a Journey, you will already have access to a special forum dedicated to that topic. The Guides will start threads relevant to the Journey topic and current chapter (which is what we call each section of a Journey).  We also encourage threads that are peripheral to the Journey. For example, a thread on the life and career of a particular actor, or perhaps a related genre. What is considered on-topic for a thread is at the Guide’s discretion.

Other Forums that are not attached to a specific Journey are also useful and if you are confused, you can join the Beginner’s Forum and ask questions. People there will be glad to point you in the right direction, and may even strike up conversation about your favorite films along the way. 
Finally, each Journey will have a landing page. You can enter there through your Dashboard. This hub will feature all content related to the Journey topic that you are registered for. This includes related materials uploaded by the Guide, discussion schedules, active Forum topics, ratings from Explorers (that’s you!), and so forth. Each Guide will bring their own experience to the Journey and its corresponding hub. This includes supplemental writings, interviews, podcasts, or anything else the Guide thinks will be valuable for the Journey. Call recordings from Journey discussions will also be stored here, in case people cannot make calls for whatever reason, or for those who would like to revisit. It is our goal to schedule these calls at the most convenient times for most Explorers.

Here is an example of a Journey call. This was part of our Modern Classics series.